Hypertension the silent killer and a Natural remedy
Hypertension Natural Therapy
I Will Introduce You To A Working Remedy To Put Your Blood Pressure Under Control!
Have you ever imagined been free from using BP medications and checking your readings on a daily basis for the rest of your life?
Yes, it’s possible!
Let’s see what hypertension means, it’s cause and symptoms before I share the story of my sister whose BP was normalized through the use of natural remedies.
High blood pressure usually develops over many years, and it can even affect nearly everyone.
Luckily, high blood pressure can be easily noticed. Once you know you have high blood pressure, you can work with your doctor on ways to regulate it.
Hypertension can cause health complications, such as heart disease, stroke, Aneurysm, Metabolic syndrome, Trouble with memory or understanding, Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes, and so on.
What are the causes of Hypertension?
Let note the types firstly, hypertension could be primary hypertension or Secondary hypertension.
Primary hypertension has no detectable cause; it tends to slowly develop over the years.
While Secondary hypertension has a tendency to appear unexpectedly and cause higher blood pressure than primary hypertension.
Various conditions and medications that can lead to secondary hypertension could include; age, genetics, stress, kidney problems, smoking, overweight/obesity, less physical activity, excess alcohol intake, obstructive sleep, use of tobacco, excess salt intake, and certain chronic illnesses.
The first step to stabilizing your blood pressure is a change of lifestyle by eating healthy (include more fruits and veggies in your diet) and engage in more physical activities like walking.
Now let me tell you about my sister Mabel, who was only 33 years (4 years ago) when she realized she was hypertensive, it was really traumatic for her though she was obese, considering her age no one expected this condition that soon.
She saw a Doctor who placed her on medications and told her she’s going to be on it for the rest of her lifetime.
She kept lamenting to me that is was not the kind of life she wanted, knowing she has to be on a particular medication for a lifetime even makes her feel worse.
I was so pained I could not help her situation at that time, but I could only remember a colleague who was diagnosed to be hypertensive and kept telling others in the office about a natural solution he used.
So one day in the office I went to my colleague and asked him what natural remedy he used, then he mentioned the HBP Natural Solution Pack he got from one Aloe Vera Company.
It was a no for me at first, because I had never heard anyone say they use supplements for any treatment until my sister’s health started deteriorating.
She started struggling with fatigue, headaches, sometimes when stressed her BP would be up to 180/90.
This became really disturbing for my family, that I had to go back to my colleague for the HBP Natural Solution Pack he used and recommended earlier.
The good news is, in just a few weeks of consistent usage she’s perfectly fine. Few years down the line she was able to have 2 babies after several miscarriages caused by her being hypertensive.
All the symptoms she was having disappeared and her BP is now stable. She has even introduced some of her colleagues in her office to this natural solution we found.
So for you worried about this life-threatening condition, there is a way out!
Here is the Natural Solution Pack That Normalized My Sister’s Bp Permanently
The above products are Approved and Certified by NAFDAC and Other International Regulatory Bodies.
The Benefits Of Above Products Are Explained Below:
Benefits Of Arctic Sea Are:
Supports a healthy heart
Supports optimal cognition
Exclusive blend of omega-3s
Pure source of EPA and DHA
Direction: Take 2 soft gels after each meal, two times daily.
2. Aloe Vera Gel
Benefits Of Forever Aloe Vera Gel Are:
Aloe vera gel has natural cleansing abilities that help the digestive tract absorb nutrients from the food we eat into the bloodstream
Promotes a healthy immune system
Help maintain natural energy levels
Direction: Pour to one-quarter of a glass cup morning and night every day.
3. Garlic Thyme
Benefits Of Garlic Thyme Are:
A natural decongestant for healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure
Helps promote cardiovascular function
Promotes healthy circulation
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